XNTN Scope of Research

Koine Greek Apposition

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XNTN Scope of Research

The research of the XNTN construct was very extensive as outlined below. In addition to what is outlined below, all examples that were stumbled upon were also studied.

New Testament and LXX

All four cases which have articles were researched in the entire New Testament and LXX.

The Early Church Fathers

The early church fathers were studied only in the Greek, when two capitalized genitives were found in the XNTN construct. These include: Barnabas, Clement of Rome, Diognetus, Ignatius, Irenaeus, Polycarp, and the writer of The Shepherd of Hermas.

Clement of Alexandria was also studied solely for the purpose of finding longer genitive genealogic chains.

Secular Writings

In secular writings, the focus was on nominative and genitive anarthrous capitalized proper names followed by an articular capitalized noun. Additional focus was on titles with anarthrous proper names followed by an article and either βασιλεὺς or βασιλέως.

The works researched include: Aeschines (Speeches); Aeschylus (Agamemnon, Eumenides, Libation Bearers, Persians, Prometheus Bound, Seven Against Thebes, Suppliant Women); Andocides (Speeches); Antiphon (Speeches); Apollodorus (Library); Apollonius (Rhodius Argonautica); Appian (Civil Wars, The Gallic History, The Hannibalic War, The Illyrian Wars, Concerning Italy, Concerning the Kings, Macedonian Affairs, The Mithridatic Wars, Numidian Affairs, The Punic Wars, The Samnite History, Of Sicily and the Other Islands, The Wars in Spain, The Syrian Wars); Aretaeus (Treatment of Acute Diseases, Treatment of Chronic Diseases, Causes and Symptoms of Acute Diseases, Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Diseases); Aristophanes (Acharnians, Birds, Clouds, Ecclesiazusae, Frogs, Knights, Lysistrata, Peace, Plutus, Thesmophoriazusae, Wasps); Aristotle (Athenian Constitution, Economics, Eudemian Ethics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Poetics, Politics, Rhetoric); Bacchylides (Odes); Demades (On the Twelve Years); Demosthenes (Exordia, Letters, Speeches); Dinarchus (Speeches); Diodorus Siculus (Library); Diogenes Laertius (Lives of Eminent Philosophers); Epictetus (Discourses, Enchiridion); Euclid (Elements); Euripides (Ion, Iphigenia in Aulis, Alcestis, Andromache, Bacchae, Cyclops, Electra, Hecuba, Helen, Heracleidae, Heracles, Hippolytus, Iphigenia in Tauris, Medea, Orestes, Phoenissae, Rhesus, Suppliants, Trojan Women); Galen (Natural Faculties); Herodotus (Histories); Hesiod (Shield, Theogony, Works and Days); Hippocrates (Aphorisms, Regimen in Acute Diseases, Airs, Waters, Places, Ancient Medicine, Epidemics, Fistulae, Fractures, Head Injuries, Hemorrhoids, Joints, Law, Mochlicus, Nutrition, Oath, Precepts, Prognostics, Sacred Disease, Surgery, Ulcers); Homer (Iliad, Odyssey); Hyperides (Speeches); Isaeus (Speeches); Isocrates (Letters, Speeches); Josephus (Antiquities, Against Apion, Life, Wars); Lycurgus (Speeches); Lysias (Speeches); Pausanias (Description of Greece); Pindar (Odes); Plato (Alcibiades, Apology, Charmides, Cleitophon, Cratylus, Critias, Crito, Epinomis, Euthydemus, Euthyphro, Gorgias, Hipparchus, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Laches, Laws, Letters, Lovers, Lysis, Menexenus, Meno, Minos, Parmenides, Phaedo, Phaedrus, Philebus, Protagoras, Republic, Sophist, Statesman, Symposium, Theaetetus, Theages, Timaeus); Plutarch (Alcibiades, Aristides, Cimon, Lysander, Nicias, Pericles, Solon, Themistocles, Comparison of Theseus and Romulus); Polybius (Histories); Sophocles (Ajax, Antigone, Electra, Ichneutae, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus at Tyrannus, Philoctetes, Trachiniae); Strabo (Geography); Thucydides (Peloponnesian War); Xenophon (Agesilaus, Anabasis, Apology, On the Cavalry Commander, Cyropaedia, Economics, Hellenica, Hiero, On the Art of Horsemanship, On Hunting, Constitution of the Lacedaimonians, Memorabilia, Symposium, Ways and Means).

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