Simple Apposition Examples with two proper names in Secular Greek Grammar

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Simple Apposition in Secular Greek

XNTN Genitives with one proper name

  Thucydides, 460-395 BC
  Tharyps the King
  Θάρυπος τοῦ βασιλέως  Thucydides The Peloponnesian War 2.80.6
  Agis the King
  Ἄγιδος τοῦ βασιλέως  Thucydides The Peloponnesian War 5.66.2
  Isaeus, 440-340 BC
  Democrates the Aphidnian
  Δημοκράτους τοῦ Ἀφιδναίου  Isaeus Speeches 6.22
  Diogenes, 412-323 BC
  Antigonus the King
  Ἀντιγόνου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diogenes Lives of Eminent Philosophers 2.10
  Attalus the King
  Ἀττάλου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diogenes Lives of Eminent Philosophers 4.8
  Xerxes the King
  Ξέρξου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diogenes Lives of Eminent Philosophers 9.7
  Aristotle, 384-322 BC
  Pythodorus the Anaphlystus Deme [member]
  Πυθοδώρου τοῦ Ἀναφλυστίου  Aristotle Athenian Constitution 29.1
  Polybius, 200-118 BC
  Pyrrhus the King
  Πύρρου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 1.23.4
  Ptolemy the King
  Πτολεμαίου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 3.2.8, 5.100.9, 22.1.6, 22.7.2, 30.9.19
  Demetrius the King
  Δημητρίου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 3.5.2
  Antiochus the King
  Ἀντιγόνου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 4.69.5
  Hieronymus the King of Syracuse
  Ἱερωνύμου τοῦ βασιλέως Συρακοσίων  Polybius Histories 7.2.1
  Philip the King
  Φιλίππου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 7.12.1
  Cleombrotus the King
  Κλεομβρότου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 9.23.7
  Massanissa The King
  Μασαννάσου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 15.18.5
  Antiochus the King
  Ἀντιόχου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 16.22a.1, 33.18.9
  Seleucus the King
  Σελεύκου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 22.7.4
  Ariarathes the King
  Ἀριαράθου τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 24.1.1
  Eumenes the King
  Εὐμένους τοῦ βασιλέως  Polybius Histories 30.30.2, 31.6.2, 21.3b.1, 21.10.1, 22.18.5, 22.20.1
  Diodorus, 90-30 BC
  Hieron the King
  Ἱέρωνος τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 5.1.11
  Astibaras the king of the Medes
  Ἀστιβάρα τοῦ βασιλέως τῶν Μήδων  Diodorus Library 9.20.4
  Darius the King
  Δαρείου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 10.19.2
  Xerxes the King
  Ξέρξου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 11.56.5
  Archidamus the King
  Ἀρχιδάμου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 11.64.1
  Pleistonax the King, who was a child
  Πλειστώνακτος τοῦ βασιλέως παιδὸς  Diodorus Library 11.79.6
  Archidamus the King
  Ἀρχιδάμου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 12.47.1, 12.52.1
  Acoris the King of Egypt
  Ἀκόριδος τοῦ βασιλέως Αἰγύπτου  Diodorus Library 15.8.1
  Amyntas the King
  Ἀμύντου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 15.19.2
  Agesilaus the King
  Ἀγησιλάου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 15.21.1
  Teleclus the King of Lacedaemon
  Τηλέκλου τοῦ βασιλέως τῶν Λακεδαιμονίων  Diodorus Library 15.66.3
  Artaxerxes the King
  Ἀρταξέρξου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 15.70.2
  Philip the King
  Φιλίππου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 15.95.4
  Darius the King
  Δαρείου τοῦ βασιλέως  Diodorus Library 17.48.3
  Strabo, 63 BC-23 AD
  Salmoneus the King
  Σαλμωνέως τοῦ βασιλέως  Strabo Geography 8.3.33
  Amynander the King
  Ἀμυνάνδρου τοῦ βασιλέως  Strabo Geography 9.4.11
  Josephus, 37-100 AD
  Herod the King
  Ἡρώδου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Wars 1.87, 2.114, 2.434, 5.238
  Archelaus the King
  Ἀρχελάου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Wars 1.538
  David the King
  Δαυίδου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Wars 5.137, 6.440
  Justus the Tiberian
  Ἰούστου τοῦ Τιβεριέως  Josephus Wars Life 410
  Saul the King
  Σαούλου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 6.106, 6.247, 6.294
  Abishai your brother
  Ἀβεσσαίου τοῦ Ἀδελφοῦ σου  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 7.282
  David the King
  Δαυίδου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 8.12, 10.49
  Asa the King of two tribes
  Ἀσάνου τοῦ βασιλέως τῶν δύο φυλῶν  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 8.298
  Jeroboam the King
  Ἱεροβοάμου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 10.66
  Nebuchadnezzar the King
  Ναβουχοδονοσόρου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 10.248
  Darius the King
  Δαρείου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 11.321
  Nicolaus the Damascan
  Νικολάου τοῦ Δαμασκηνοῦ  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 12.126
  Demetrius the King
  Δημητρίου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 12.400
  Hyrcanus the Jew
  Ὑρκανοῦ τοῦ Ἰουδαίου  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 13.251
  Alexander the King
  Ἀλεξάνδρου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 2.37, 14.10
  Dionysius the Tripolian
  Διονυσίου τοῦ Τριπολίτου  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 14.39
  Archclaus the Cappadocian
  Ἀρχελάου τοῦ Καππάδοκος  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 16.74
  Herod the King
  Ἡρώδου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 17.273, 18.134, 18.141, 18.143
  Phidias the Athenian
  Φειδίου τοῦ Ἀθηναίου  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 19.8
  Agrippa the King
  Ἀγρίππου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 19.236
  Ithobal the King
  Ἰθωβάλου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews Against Apion 1.156
  Antigonus the King
  Ἀντιγόνου τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 1.213
  Amenophis the King
  Ἀμενώφεως τοῦ βασιλέως  Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 1.248
  Plutarch, 45-127 AD
  Dion the Syracusan
  Δίωνος τοῦ Συρακουσίου  Plutarch Aristides 1.4
  Cleocritus the Corinthian
  Κλεοκρίτου τοῦ Κορινθίου  Plutarch Aristides 8.6
  Olorus the King
  Ὀλόρου τοῦ βασιλέως  Plutarch Aristides Cimon 4.1
  Arcesilaus the Lacedaemonian
  Ἀρκεσίλα τοῦ Λακεδαιμονίου  Plutarch Cimon 10.5
  Euthippus the Anaphlystus Deme [member]
  Εὐθίππου τοῦ Ἀναφλυστίου  Plutarch Cimon 17.4
  Cleon the Halicarnassian
  Κλέωνος τοῦ Ἁλικαρνασσέως  Plutarch Lysander 25.1
  Zeno the Eleatic
  Ζήνωνος τοῦ Ἐλεάτου  Plutarch Pericles 4.3
  Aristodicus of Tanagrian
  Ἀριστοδίκου τοῦ Ταναγρικοῦ  Plutarch Pericles 10.7
  Archidamus the King
  Ἀρχιδάμου τοῦ βασιλέως  Plutarch Pericles 33.3
  Appian, 95-165 AD
  Harpagus the Median
  Ἁρπάγου τοῦ Μήδου  Appian Civil Wars 4.10.80
  Amynander the Athamanesian
  Ἀμυνάνδρου τοῦ Ἀθαμᾶνος  Appian Macedonian Affairs 8
  Alexander the Macedonian
  Ἀλεξάνδρου τοῦ Μακεδόνος  Appian The Mithridatic Wars 117
  Philip the Macedonian
  Φιλίππου τοῦ Μακεδόνος  Appian The Syrian Wars 2
  Mithridates The Pontic King
  Μιθριδάτου τοῦ Ποντικοῦ βασιλέως  Appian The Syrian Wars 48
  Pausanias, 110-180 AD
  Attalus the Mysian
  Ἀττάλου τοῦ Μυσοῦ  Pausanias Description of Greece 1.5.5
  Ptolemy the Egyptian
  Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Αἰγυπτίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 1.5.5
  Theodectes the Phaselisian
  Θεοδέκτου τοῦ Φασηλίτου  Pausanias Description of Greece 1.37.4
  Ilus the Phrygian
  Ἴλου τοῦ Φρυγὸς  Pausanias Description of Greece 2.22.3
  Epimenides the Cretan
  Ἐπιμενίδου τοῦ Κρητὸς  Pausanias Description of Greece 3.11.11
  Theodorus the Samian
  Θεοδώρου τοῦ Σαμίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 3.12.10
  Anaxander the King
  Ἀναξάνδρου τοῦ βασιλέως  Pausanias Description of Greece 4.16.8
  Aristocrates the Arcadian
  Ἀριστοκράτους τοῦ Ἀρκάδος  Pausanias Description of Greece 4.17.3
  Pelops the Lydian
  Πέλοπος τοῦ Λυδοῦ  Pausanias Description of Greece 5.1.6
  Hercules the Idaean
  Ἡρακλέους τοῦ Ἰδαίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 5.13.8
  Hercules the Theban
  Ἡρακλέους τοῦ Θηβαίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 5.13.11
  Eridanus the Celtic
  Ἠριδανοῦ τοῦ Κελτικοῦ  Pausanias Description of Greece 5.14.3
  Dionysius the Argosian
  Διονυσίου τοῦ Ἀργείου  Pausanias Description of Greece 5.27.2
  Naucydes the Argosian
  Ναυκύδους τοῦ Ἀργείου  Pausanias Description of Greece 6.1.3
Daedalus the Sicyonian
Δαιδάλου τοῦ ΣικυωνίουPausanias, Description of Greece 6.3.4
Aristocles the Sicyonian
Ἀριστοκλέους τοῦ ΣικυωνίουPausanias, Description of Greece 6.3.11
  Miltiades the Athenian
  Μιλτιάδου τοῦ Ἀθηναίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 6.10.8
  Evagoras the Laconian
  Εὐαγόρου τοῦ Λάκωνος  Pausanias Description of Greece 6.10.8
  Onatas the Aeginetan
  Ὀνάτα τοῦ Αἰγινήτου  Pausanias Description of Greece 6.12.1
  Hercules the Idaean
  Ἡρακλέους τοῦ Ἰδαίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 6.21.6, 6.23.3
  Canachus the Sicyonian
  Κανάχου τοῦ Σικυωνίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 7.18.10
  Pulydamas the Scotusan
  Πουλυδάμαντος τοῦ Σκοτουσσαίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 7.27.6
  Sacadas the Argosian
  Σακάδα τοῦ Ἀργείου  Pausanias Description of Greece 9.30.2
  Lysander the Lacedaemonian
  Λυσάνδρου τοῦ Λακεδαιμονίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 9.32.5
  Eteocles the Orchomenian
  Ἐτεοκλέους τοῦ Ὀρχομενίου  Pausanias Description of Greece 9.35.3
  Croesus the Lydian
  Κροίσου τοῦ Λυδοῦ  Pausanias Description of Greece 10.8.7
  Onatas the Aeginetan
  Ὀνάτα τοῦ Αἰγινήτου  Pausanias Description of Greece 10.13.10

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